A free phone for seniors seems unlikely. In reality, though, many seniors can apply for and receive a free cell phone or home phone, along with a free monthly phone plan.
Seniors having a cell phone seems almost a necessity to many. Mainly, due to emergencies. Given that so many people have limited income (especially since so many older people are on social security), cell phones might be low on the list of things they can buy. That’s where the program that provides a free phone for seniors could be a real blessing.
The federal program called “Lifeline” was created to provide cell phones or free home phone service for anyone for emergencies; this is especially important for seniors. The Lifeline program provides a free cell phone and free minutes every month.
Please Note: We do not provide a free phone for seniors or administer phone programs. You Must Find Your Local Provider on the LIFELINE Website and CALL THEM.

Anyone who is eligible can apply for the program. If you already receive assistance from the federal government or if your income is equal to or less than 135% of the federal poverty guidelines, you can qualify for the program. This program provides a free phone for seniors or anyone else meeting these requirements.
The Lifeline program has many different carriers, which will offer different phones and monthly plans for seniors.
Free phone for seniors eligibility and restrictions
Requirements for a free phone for seniors may vary by state, but you must meet the income guidelines or participate in one of the following programs:
- Medicaid
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps or SNAP)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8)
- Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
- National School Lunch Program’s Free Lunch Program
- Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance
- Tribally-Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TTANF)
- Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
- Head Start (if income eligibility criteria are met)
- State assistance programs (if applicable)
As mentioned above, you have to qualify for a free cell phone or cell phone plan. In addition, there are rules that have to be followed to get and keep your free phone for seniors. For instance, you are not allowed to have more than one per household. And, you can use the program to get a cell phone OR a home phone, but not both.
The Lifeline program is administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company. It is funded by the Universal Service Fund. Please visit the website link below for the program’s full details.
Please Note: We do not provide a free phone for seniors or administer phone programs. You Must Find Your Local Provider on the LIFELINE Website and CALL THEM.
Free home phone service
Lifeline also offers free home phone service. This program will cover the cost of your monthly home phone service. The free home phone service is particularly beneficial for seniors who are not interested in or cannot easily use a cell phone.
Free phone for seniors service providers
Some of the service providers for the Lifeline program are SafeLink Wireless, ReachOut, US Cellular, Assurance Wireless and many others. These and other providers offer a free phone for seniors who qualify, along with a monthly plan. Some providers may also offer upgrades or options for these plans. See the plan details at each provider’s website.
If you don’t qualify for this program and would still like to get a cell phone, there are other options available. Many phone companies offer prepaid or low minute programs, along with cell phones, for those that just need basic service.
History of Lifeline
The original program was created to provide free home phone service for low income families. Later, in 2005, the program was updated to include a cell phone and monthly cell phone plans. In 2012, the program was upgraded and improved.
Due in part to the Lifeline program, access to phone service has risen from 80% in 1985 to 92%.
Please Note: We do not provide a free phone for seniors or administer phone programs. You Must Find Your Local Provider on the LIFELINE Website and CALL THEM.
Federal Communications Commission
Universal Service Administrative Company
image : Photocapy
I am a Senior Citizen who is on a limited income. But, according to the Lifeline guidelines my income is not limited enough to qualify. I would like to find a way to greatly lower my bills if possible. Thank you.
Try contacting some local agencies and organizations that provide services in your community. You could start with your local Area Agency on Aging or the United Way. They may be able to let you know about programs in your area to help reduce some expenses.
My elderly neighbor who is hard of hearing has a life line phone. He lives about 20 miles from nearest relative and is unable to call long distance to get in touch with them. What can he do? Does lifeline supply long distance?
Kaye, have your friend call the phone carrier that provided his phone. They can provide the information he needs to get that straightened out.
how do i get a free cell ph ill be 69 wednesday ty
Here are the criteria that must be met : http://www.lifelinesupport.org/ls/do-i-qualify/default.aspx. To get started, call a Lifeline provider in your state (AT&T, Comcast, etc.). You can find your state list here : http://www.lifelinesupport.org/ls/companies/companies.aspx).
My husband needs a cell phone for when I am not home but he can not operate the new phones. We have tried to orient him with touch screens but to no avail. I can not find a lifeline program that can offer him a flip phone. Any ideas?
Candi, the only suggestion I could make is to try and find a flip phone he could use on Amazon or other retailer. Then, maybe you could get it activated by the local company providing Lifeline services in your community. Otherwise, you might find that the Straight Talk service (at WalMart) or another local service provider could activate it for a lower monthly plan. I would talk with them before you buy a phone to make sure you know which phones will work with their networks.
Hi Mark, I just finished your informative and easy-to-read article about seniors and phones. Thank you so much for your article, it just made my life easier!
Peggy, you’re welcome!
I have an aunt (85), who us being challenged by ATT, for incoming international calls. She does not know the calling party but is being charged for the calls and for every month she doesn’t pay, she is being accessed fees. She us looking for a phone company that does not require internet service. She is not very adaptable to cell phones. She is an almost two hour drive from me.
Rita, I found some information that might help.
“Call AT&T international services at 800-335-4685. Ask to put a ‘block’ on international calling. Takes less than 5 minutes to complete the process.”
Also, AT&T has a flip-style phone that does not use the Internet. Here is a link: https://www.att.com/cellphones/lg/b470.html#sku=sku7830330
As far as the charges go, I’m sorry I can’t offer any assistance in that arena. Maybe if you call the International service number and tell them what is happening, they may be able to tell you a better way to dispute the charges.
i am 73 years old. how can i get a free cellphone from the government or Social security?
The Lifeline phone program is offered by the Federal government in conjunction with national telephone carriers. The way the program works is you have to meet certain criteria, then work with the local phone company (AT&T, Verizon, etc.) to get a phone and service.
Your best bet is to call AT&T (or a major carrier in your area) and tell them you would like to get on the Lifeline program. They should be able to qualify you on the phone and tell you any other information they’ll need to get you setup.
If you get it worked out, come back here an let us know! Good luck.
Could someone in a nursing home qualify for government free phone
I’m unsure, as it isn’t based on whether a person owns a home, rents, etc. Rather, on meeting certain criteria (which you can find here : http://www.lifelinesupport.org/ls/do-i-qualify/default.aspx). It doesn’t say anything about being in a nursing home. I think I would advise you to call a local Lifeline provider (AT&T, Comcast … you can find your state list here : http://www.lifelinesupport.org/ls/companies/companies.aspx).
Here are the criteria that must be met : http://www.lifelinesupport.org/ls/do-i-qualify/default.aspx. To get started, call a Lifeline provider in your state (AT&T, Comcast, etc.). You can find your state list here : http://www.lifelinesupport.org/ls/companies/companies.aspx).
My Grandfather is in need of a free cell phone with free minutes. He has medicare, is there a way to qualify with medicare?
You don’t need medicare, honestly. He needs the Lifeline program. Call one of your major local cellphone companies (AT&T, verizon, etc.) and have your grandpa tell them he’s like to get signed up for the LIfeline program. They’ll help get him qualified and explain how the program works.
is it complication to activate the new phone for a deaf person that is not computer whiz?
To be honest, it may prove to be difficult, but probably not impossible. My best advice would be to start at a major carrier’s store (AT&T, Verizon, etc.). Take someone with you who can act as your liaison with the hearing staff of the store. Let them know you need to sign up for the Lifeline program. I would think someone at the store (manager, maybe?) could call the right people at corporate right there from the store. And, that person can help your hearing friend navigate some of the questions if need be. It’s a tricky situation. I hope it works out OK!