Concierge services for seniors can be similar to personal assistants in their offerings. The main difference is that most concierge services are ad-hoc, so seniors are choosing what works for them now; a personal assistant generally focuses on the day-to-day activities of an elderly person’s life.
Some things you might do as a concierge services for seniors business include transportation, shopping, shipping and even sitting for family members. Even if they cannot provide the assistance themselves, they often can coordinate the service needed.
Concierge services for seniors include
- Travel companionship
- Money management
- Handle insurance or medical disputes
- Companion shopping or recreation activities
- Life planning
- In-home assistance (meals, companionship, etc.)
- Medical care liason
- Caregiver respite assistance
- Arrange for home services (maintenance, housekeeping, lawn care, catering, etc.)
- Filing and mail services
- Errand or shopping services
- Event or holiday planning
- Provide teaching (computers, cell phones, Internet, subject matter experts)
- Telephone check-in
- Transitional services (downsizing) or moving services
- Home organization

Business tips
Concierge services for seniors is about providing for the individual needs of customers; be flexible. Some clients are going to want less; some more. Many won’t know exactly how you can help them.
These types of services are not just about daily living. Some things you are going to be asked to setup are going to be about building experiences to help them feel vibrant and alive! Add those extra touches to make them memorable.
State or local licensing may be required (particularly if you are transporting seniors). Be sure to check with the proper agencies to ensure your compliance.
photo: Daniel Lobo