There are only a few more days to pick up those last minute Christmas gifts for elderly family members. It can be tough buying gifts for people who seem to have everything or have little need for unnecessary things. So, if you’re still in search of a meaningful gift, here are a few suggestions in no particular order.
Christmas gifts for elderly family or friends
Smart phones
As we’ve mentioned before, the number of senior and elderly folks using smart phones continues to grow at a steady pace. These phones can help them in an emergency, as well as help them feel more involved in the lives of family and friends through email, text messages, photos and social networks.
Digital photo frames
These are easy to setup with pictures and movies of your family. It is also easy to change or add to the photos. Something you can do in person or over the phone if they are out of town.
Audio books
Almost any book imaginable is available on CD or digital audio file. And, if the recipient has an iPad or other device capable of playing audio files, you can download the file immediately.
Throws or blankets
Everyone loves a good blanket or throw. They are easy to find and relatively inexpensive.
Page magnifier
If they love to read, but can’t quite see as well as they used to, a page magnifier might be a welcomed gift. Look for ones that can magnify a large portion of a book page and have a built-in light.
Netflix or Amazon Prime membership
Have someone on your list that loves movies? Both of these companies make it easy to stream movies on computers, tablets and TV’s. We don’t usually throw around brand or service names, but these two companies have a clear advantage in the streaming movie arena and make it incredibly simple.
Socks with treads
Find some incredibly comfy and warm socks that have the rubber material on the bottom. Not only will the socks keep their feet warm, they will also help them from slipping while walking.
Restaurant gift certificates
If you’d like to treat them to their favorite food or restaurant, most offer gift certificates or cards.
Tablet computers
Tablet use among older adults is growing very quickly. They are easy-to-use, come with a wide variety of software & don’t require a lot of knowledge to operate. Some of the most common uses are for email, viewing photos, web surfing & games. Don’t forget Skype, Face Time and other video calling apps …these are great for family members far away.
Captioned telephone
Several companies have emerged over the last couple of years offering home phones with screens that type out what is being said by the caller. We’ve seen a few of these in action and think they are very useful for people who can’t hear as good as they used to.
Over sized entertainment
Games that have pieces that are easier to grasp and hold. Large checkers, chess, cards, bingo and others are available. You can also find large crosswords or hidden word game books.
The gift that means the most
It goes without saying that what the people in our lives really want for Christmas is our time. That means more than anything you can buy and is almost always in short supply. Of course, if you aren’t near the person, it is more difficult to give. But if you are, give as much as you are able. You will be happy you did.