In this video, Mark Hager discusses 6 ideas you need to understand for successful aging in place. Great for your personal planning or for a friend. It can help you achieve your age in place goals. Please share with your friends, relatives or online networks.
We’ve included the full video below, as well as the complete article that details each of the points in the video.
6 Things You Have to Know for Successful Aging in Place Video Transcript
There’s a grave misconception that aging in place is a ‘magic bullet’. Something that will fix the tidal wave of trouble that America is about to face.
It’s just not true.
It won’t work. At least, not the way most people think about it now.
Why? The idea that many people have about aging in place is not based on fact.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not anyone’s fault. This is brand new to all of us. But, there is a reason why…
Aging in place has many facets to it. If you explain it simply, people will agree it’s a good idea.
The truth is, there are so many parts of our lives that are affected by choosing to age in place, it’s hard to wrap your mind around.
Since it is complex, it stands to reason that that many people don’t understand it completely.
I can tell you that once you really understand it you will most likely agree:
Aging in place is not for everyone, but it is good for a lot of people if done correctly.
My name is Mark Hager. I have been educating people about aging in place for almost 7 years.What I’ve discovered in that time are 6 ideas that can help you radically change what your life is like after retirement.
Let me explain…
By understanding these ideas and taking action, you can increase your chances of successful aging in place.
Before we get to itI want to make something clear. This information is 100% free. I’m not going to ask you to sign up for anything or buy anything. It is provided to help people just like you to keep building their best life.
If you find it useful, please share it.The more people that know,the better off we’ll all be.
Let’s get started.
Aging in Place Definition:
Aging in place means living in the home of your choice as you grow older, for as long as you can, while getting all the assistance or services you need to maintain your safety and quality of life.
#1 Aging in Place is Important
All you have to know in order to understand why is that by 2050, around 20% of the U.S. population is going to be over the age of 65. Right now, we’re probably a little more than 14%. That’s millions of more people than there were say, in 2009; and it will be millions more by 2020, 2030 and to 2050.
Couple that with by 2050 there will be approximately 2.8 people per person age 65+ (vs. 4.9 in 2009). That means the number of people able to provide any help or care for you is dropping.
Add in :
The lack of local, state and federal funding available for services. The ability of people to pay for care or assistance.The overburdened local network of care. And, aAffordable living and care options.
It starts looking like a mess quickly. And, aging in place starts looking like the thing most people will default to. In reality, aging in place is a big and powerful idea. It could help you maintain your quality of life for longer if you plan properly.
#2 Education is the starting point
After you start wrapping your mind around why aging in place is important, you are ready to start educating yourself.
Learning about things, such as:
What happens to your body, mind and emotions as you grow older and how that affects your ability to maintain your day-to-day life.
Or…Understanding how your home, community, needs, finances and other parts of your life interact with each other and how that translates to your life after 65.
This gives you the knowledge to start laying the groundwork for your own choices about your future.Most importantly, it will help you make informed decisions about how you want to live your life and empowers you to take control of it.
Essentially…This knowledge becomes the foundation for your own aging in place plan.
#3 Aging in place is not for everyone
Aging in place is about controlling your environment, lifestyle and quality of life.It is about the individual.If you have life circumstances, such as physical or mental conditions that hamper your ability to care for yourself, aging in place may not be the right choice for you.
For instance:If you have a debilitating physical condition that already prevents you from caring for yourself (or may lead to that), it may not make sense to plan on staying in your home long-term.Not that it can’t be done; it just may not be the right choice for your quality of life.
Also, there are certain people that just may not do as well aging in place as they might in group housing or multi-generational housing.Depending on your situation, you might have extended periods of being alone. Some people don’t adjust well to that.
There are a many reasons why someone may not choose to age in place. Every situation and person is different. That is why it is so important for you to be honest with yourself when planning.
#4 Aging in place is an ideal
At the heart of it, successful aging in place is about responsibility; to yourself, your family and community. It means you are making the best choices you can so that your quality of life, and the lives of your family and friends, are not negatively affected.
Planning properly for all the stages of your retirement years is the most loving thing you can do for yourself and the people around you. It keeps them from having to be put in a position where they feel like they have to protect you and from having to make hard choices with no clear direction from you.
If you honestly plan to age in place, that means you are committed to planning properly for all phases of your later years to the best of your ability.And, you are willing to weigh all aspects of your life against your decision to age in place.
#5 Aging in place is something you do for a span of time
Aging in place is not a solution to any single problem. It is something you do, for a finite amount of time during a period of your life after you retire. It lies somewhere between retirement and the point where you can no longer safely live in your home and get the help you need.
The benefit of aging in place is that with proper planning, you can extend the amount of time you have in the home of your choice. But, once that time is over, you are no longer aging in place and will have transitioned over to some other form of care, whether that is supported family care, nursing home care or similar.
Of course, for each person the amount of time you can age in place will differ. For some it may be 2 years. For others, it could be 10.The key is to maximize your quality of life during the time you have.
#6 Aging in place is not about the house
When I talk to people about successful aging in place, more often than not they think it means staying in their current home for as long as they can. While that may be true for many, I don’t believe that is the real intent of the idea.
In my mind, aging in place happens in the home of your choice. It could be a ranch home in a traditional neighborhood, an apartment in the city or in a village.
What most people miss from the aging in place idea is, well, everything else. For example, financial and legal planning, choosing the community they live in based on available services and amenities, or discussing their wishes and plans with their family.
Though the home you choose is important, it is not the end-all-be-all of aging in place. Merely, one aspect of it. Successful aging in place is about every aspect of your life and the lifestyle you choose. And, it all has to be considered if you are going to be successful.
The Main Point
What all this boils down to is this:Aging in place is for the prepared.
As I mentioned before, education is the starting point. But, knowing something and doing something about it are two different things.
If you want to age in place, then it is going to take you making plans to do it. Real plans; not just ideas.It’s going to be work and, at times, it will probably be hard. But, what’s that old adage? “I didn’t plan to fail. I failed to plan.”
If you want your life after retirement to be even close to your vision, you’re going to have to make it happen for yourself. And, I hope you do.
THANK YOU! If you find it useful, please share it with your friends and networks.
Hi Mark,
I am a physical therapist looking to help my clients age in place. I have started a company and I am grateful for the information you post that will be helpful in the planning and modification process. Is it okay to share your articles on my website as a link as well as your web page link?
Hi, Kat. Of course you may.
If you don’t mind, allow me to give you some linking advice. (You might know this already. If you do, just disregard it.)
When you put links up to another site, don’t put them on every page (or somewhere they show up on every page, such as the footer or sidebar). Having the same link on every page is not good for your site or the site you are linking to … at least, for search engines. A better practice is, when you link to an article outside your website, link to it from the body of your own article.
If I can offer any assistance to you with your new business, don’t hesitate to contact me; always glad to help.
Thanks so much! I appreciate the advice… Didn’t know all that! I’m sure I’ll be in touch in the future 🙂 Have a great day!
Hi Mark: Found your exemplary site today and appreciate the straightforward information
you are giving to readers. Are you offering services or just valuable information? I have taken the domain name since I am in the process of developing that side of my design business but with added user friendly amenities! As a
senior myself I realize and have become more aware of the problem seniors face as they age. I know that every one cannot age in place but a great many can IF they have home
care. If you compare the costs of retirement and assisted living here in the chicagoland
area with the costs of re-outfitting their homes with all the products available today, it is worth it. I am becoming more and more caught up in the humanitarian aspect of helping
people understand what they are facing and ways to cope which I am assuming? you also
are trying to do. If you are interested and available, I would like to talk to you. Please
feel free to call or email me. Diane Darvas 847-832-1414 cell 847-727-5080.
Thank you for the kind words about the site. We are currently exploring some options of how best to provide services to consumers through this site. Additionally, I do some consulting work with businesses that provide services to seniors in their community. I’ll be happy to setup a time for us to talk in the next week and will shoot you an email.
Hello Kate
I am a Physical Therapist Assistant who is caps certified along with my Husband who is a CRGB graduate and we consult on many projects for people who are need of remodeling in order to return home. It has been very rewarding and positive. It seems to be very difficult to choose the right words to help people understand aging in place. How many different ways do you have to say it to the older population? 🙂