Home care cottages can be a boon if you have an older parent who still wishes to live more independently, but needs a little extra care. The truth is, when a family member needs help looking after themselves, we always want to help. Welcoming them into our homes is a natural way to show that you care and are willing to support them. But, what if this isn’t the best option for them?
Many people who need caregiving appreciate the gesture of their families making them a part of the household. Yet, they often long to keep the sense of independence that comes from having a place of their own. Care cottages (tiny houses used as an in-law suite) can offer the best of both worlds.
Because care cottages are typically under 300 square feet, they can easily be placed in the backyard of most properties. This means that families can easily create a small guest home for their relative who is in need of care similar to an in-law suite. That relative can enjoy close proximity to their loved ones, the convenience of their on-site care and still have their own home in these care cottages.
Furthermore, care cottages built on trailers are often more favorable than building traditional custom guest houses for many reasons. The portability of the care cottages means that it can be transported to another plot of land if your relative becomes more self-sufficient. Additionally, their status as impermanent structures means that much of the usual red tape and building codes may not apply, depending on property laws in your area. You won’t have to fuss with getting all kinds of permits and inspections or penalties that can result from not doing so.
Care cottages are home

If you’re looking for the ideal arrangement for a relative that needs at-home care, be sure to consider care cottages. It may just be the ticket to their happiness and well-being!
Interesting article, I’ve had a few clients build tiny houses for themselves as caregivers, which allows the aging family member(s) stay in their own homes. Also, the little orange tiny house plan is available as a free download for people interested in seeing how these little houses are constructed. Thanks for crediting us too!
My pleasure, Shawn. Thanks for coming by to leave us a note. I really liked the orange tiny house, by the way. So cute! Keep up the great work!