It’s no surprise that the Internet is brewing with tips and commentary about spending during the holidays; they are popping up like apples in a barrel. One in particular that comes to mind is from Jennifer Openshaw over at MarketWatch. Her common sense tips for managing your money over the holidays are some of most reasonable I’ve seen.
Given the financial situation so many people are in this year, spending is projected to be lower; a meager $801.00 per person. . (At least, according to a new Christmas spending Gallup poll.) It’s no wonder, too. All this talk about financial crisis, low consumer confidence, reduced spending and such is so bleak.
So, not to be left out of the holiday financial tips foray, we brought in the big thinkers, locked them in a room for eight hours and gave them nothing but chamomile tea until they came up with a sure-fire tip for our readers. Feel free to send it to your friends and colleagues.
The Best Tip in the World for Reducing Holiday Spending
1. Sit down and make a list of the most important people in your life. (You know, the ones that you worked so hard to support and care for, or who have had meaningful influence in your life.)
2. Go down the list one at a time. By each name, write the thing you love the most about that person or why they are so special to you.
3. Now go tell them.
Seriously, though, most of us know the holidays are not about shopping malls, giving or receiving the best gifts, or anything like that. Our gifts merely represent our appreciation for the people we care abou. Instead of spending money to do that, why not give the best gift of all? Show your love to the important people in your life by telling them how much they mean to you. Share your self and traditions with those around you. I guarantee you it will mean more to them than anything you can buy at your local Stuff Mart.
Keep the holidays (and your spending) in perspective and manageable. Enjoy yourself and take time to appreciate the good things, and people, in your life.
For all those who celebrate at this time of year, we wish you a safe and happy holiday season.