This long term care facts infographic is part of our series, “Why we have to figure out aging in place”. In the series, we are exploring topics that relate to aging in place which we feel are going to be major obstacles for people. Specifically, things that are going to affect the quality of life for older folks in the United States in the coming years.
With this infographic, we’re looking at long-term care information and why it is important to aging in place. Specifically, we’re covering information about why long-term care planning is important, what the current state of long-term care is, what the future impacts could be of not planning and how long-term care insurance fits into the mix.
Please share this important information with as many people as you can. The more that know, the better off we’ll all be. If you have questions about the infographic or planning for aging in place, leave a comment below.
Tweet-able long term care facts :
Tweet: 75% of people will require some form of long-term care. –
Tweet: 72% of Americans become impoverished after 1 yr of nursing home care –

Well done! There’s not too many infographics on this particular topic. Thank you for your contribution,
Stephen D. Forman, CLTC
Long Term Care Associates, Inc.
I wholeheartedly agree and would take it a step further: There has not been enough information generated about long-term care that is easily consumed by the average person.
Thank you for stopping by and saying so. The encouragement is much appreciated.