A study by the AARP released last week reveals the impact this economy is having on Baby Boomers. A high percentage of individuals have changed the way they invest their money because of these turbulent economic times. Many are dipping into their retirement accounts or have stopped depositing money in their IRA in order to meet their monthly …
Downsizing Mom & Dad: Planning is Key
Moving your parents into a retirement community or assisted living facility can be difficult, heartbreaking, expensive, tiring or all of the above. Having a good plan is key. An article from Newsday.com gives a little insight into things older people need to consider for this transition. It will give those who are (or will be) taking this step …
TubcuT ® – Modify Your Existing Bathtub to Make it More Accessible
The TubcuT® is an accessible bathtub conversion for existing fiberglass, steel, acrylic or cast iron bathtubs that creates a step through in your tub, allowing for easy access. The process creates a seamless appearance and, according to their website, the tub will look like it came from the factory that way. The whole modification only takes one …
Marital Status May Determine Risk of Alzheimer’s
Sound crazy? Incredibly, it may not be so far fetched. At least, not according to research conducted by a group at the KI Alzheimer's Disease Research Center at the Karolinska Institutet, in Stockholm, Sweden. As reported in a AARP Bulletin, the results of their study over a 21 year period indicates that men and women who are not married are at …
Home Remodeling Can Increase Home Value, Improve Quality of Life
Many people think that modifying their home for aging in place will have a negative impact on the value of their home by making it look sterile and hospital like. If modifications are done properly, they not only look good, but they can help you stay in your home longer, keep you safe, and increase the future demand for your home. The following …
Baby Boomers Not Financially Prepared for Disability
In a series of surveys conducted by Harris Interactive for the America's Health Insurance Plans, Baby Boomers were questioned about their opinions, perceptions and preparedness about disability coverage and how they might be impacted financially were they struck with a debilitating disease or injury that kept them from working.The results were a …