You know it's coming on when the fever, headache, tiredness, cough and other symptoms start. It can keep you from being at your best and slow you down. Even though it is easier to ignore it than interrupt your busy life, don't. According to the CDC, every year 36,000 people die and 200,000 are put in the hospital in the United States due to …
Holiday Spending Tips for Everyone
It's no surprise that the Internet is brewing with tips and commentary about spending during the holidays; they are popping up like apples in a barrel. One in particular that comes to mind is from Jennifer Openshaw over at MarketWatch. Her common sense tips for managing your money over the holidays are some of most reasonable I've seen. Given …
Home Remodeling Solutions
Things You May Not Know About Aspirin
Caregivers: There is a “U” in Caregiving.
I know if you read this elderly caregiver article over at the New York Times and you are caring for an elderly parent or loved one, you're probably going to shake your head in agreement that all of it sounds good. You're going to secretly think, "Wouldn't it be nice...?" You might even tell a friend about it. I would like to propose this to you: …
Senior Cell Phones – Introducing the Clarity C900
Previously we covered existing cell phones for seniors, highlighting some of the best and most usable cell phone for seniors... for people who like simplicity and 'senior friendly' technology. We'll we've got a new one that you may really find indispensable: the ClarityLife C900. Brought to you by Clarity, the same company that offers a wide …