Some women wear their aging skin like an old pair of Levis. I want to be one of those women. You know the jeans I'm talking about, they hug your curves in all the right places, and know your body almost as well as you do. Whether stained with memories, or tattered by fun, they're still beautiful and you love them. They charm you into wearing …
How Seniors Can Achieve Better Sleep
As they grow older, it is not uncommon for people to start experiencing symptoms of insomnia or poor sleep. Interestingly, the inability to get a full night’s rest is one of the reasons why we always think of seniors as being early risers. It’s not that they don’t need as much sleep — they need the same seven to nine hours a night that younger …
It’s been a long-time coming, but it came. I remember when I turned 50 and received an invitation to become a member of AARP. I hid the invitation. I didn’t want to go to that party. I was too young, still too full of myself. A senior? Forget it! Last week, while checking out of the supermarket, a 17-year-old bag boy with bluish-blond hair said …
Age Without Borders – How to ROCK the “Third Age” of Life!
The Age Without Borders virtual summit is a 7-day online conference,  February 26 - March 4th, 2017. Join over 50 world experts talking about life, choices & the future for people over age 50. The First and the Largest Virtual Summit to explore how to rock the “Third Age” of life! The Age Without Borders Virtual Summit A 7 day virtual …
Future Technologies That May Change The Aging Experience
Future technologies, as with those that have already come to pass, will help shape the world we live in. There are few areas of the human condition that could benefit as much from future technologies as the area of aging. With each passing day thousands of Baby Boomers turn 65 years old and their fate may rely partially on future technologies …
National Aging in Place Council
The National Aging in Place Council® (NAIPC®) is an association of of businesses that provide services to people who are aging in place. Aging in place is a term used to describe the act of living at home as long as possible as you age, while getting any services or assistance you need to remain at home. The National Aging in Place Council was …